Our Supporters

Our Financial Supporters and Those Donating Strategic In-Kind Resources

  • Indigenous Advancement Strategy, Dept. of Prime Minister and Cabinet—for funding our Homework Club and contributing to funding for our NAIDOC Week event.
  • Aboriginal Affairs, NSW Government—for contributing to funding for our NAIDOC Week event and supporting our planning for our Healing Forum.
  • Blacktown City Council—for a productive rent-free year at the Caretaker’s Cottage, Rutherglen Community Centre.
  • Mt Druitt TAFE (Aboriginal Education & Training Unit & TAFE Outreach)—for providing the classes that have been taught at our Centre.
  • Wentwest—for generous sponsorship of the “Mt Druitt Says No to Ice” day.
  • Parent, Infant, Family Australia (PIFA)—for providing a counsellor to work with our Young Mums’ Group.
  • Australia Post for funding for a digital empowerment project through its Our Neighbourhood Community Grant scheme.
  • The Department of Social Services (federal government) for funding for fuel and two computers through its Volunteers Grant scheme.
  • Caritas Australia for major funding to keep our programs going
  • Mercy Works for ongoing and consistent financial support of our Mums and Bubs program
  • Microsoft for significant financial support
  • The generous donors who made possible the participation at the NATSICC gathering at Stradbroke Island of the seven Aboriginal people in the Baabayn delegation.
  • The Ex-Marist Mothers’ Group for the donation of a freezer.
  • Australian Drug Foundation
  • Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
  • Santa Sabina College and Preschool
  • Sisters of St Joseph
  • Brigidine Sisters and Brigidine College, St Ives
  • Pymble Catholic Parish, Social Justice Group
  • Catholic Women’s League, Parramatta Diocese
  • St Francis College, Leeton
  • Marist College, Woolwich
  • The kind and generous individuals

Our Volunteers and Other Very Special People, Those with whom we Network, and Those who Work with us in Formal or Informal Partnership Mary Ann Knoblanche, Cecilia and Michael Brungs and all our Kuri-

Mary Ann Knoblanche, Cecilia and Michael Brungs and all our Kuri-ngai Partners—Friends of Baabayn who have loyally supported us in many ways, including supplying and cooking (and washing up after) the Friday-night meal at Baabayn’s Family Weekend for the past 28 years. Our dedicated administrative team—our Voluntary Administrator Sister Naomi Smith, our Support and Development Officer Mary Kerr, and our Voluntary Administrative Associate Helen Dunstan, who work in the background and are always there for us. Our tireless and patient tutors at the Kurung Homework Club (some of whom do other important things for us as well)—Sue Martin, Trish Brush, Julie Ann McNamee, Jackie Batten, Bob Smith, Sally Grimble, Janet Murton, Leonie Stout, Sisters Sandra Perrett and 26 Francine Roberts, and Brother Lawrie

Our dedicated administrative team—our Voluntary Administrator Sister Naomi Smith, our Support and Development Officer Mary Kerr, and our Voluntary Administrative Associate Helen Dunstan, who work in the background and are always there for us.

Our tireless and patient tutors at the Kurung Homework Club (some of whom do other important things for us as well)—Sue Martin, Trish Brush, Julie Ann McNamee, Jackie Batten, Bob Smith, Sally Grimble, Janet Murton, Leonie Stout, Sisters Sandra Perrett and 26 Francine Roberts, and Brother Lawrie McCane and his international collaborators Jonnel Sisneros, Argie Hernández Mendoza and Rodrigo Gris Castro.

  • Roberto Giunta, StoryMotive for his inspirational work on our website and other IT matters
  • Jean Salmi of Blacktown City Council for her kindly and committed support throughout our time at Rutherglen.Tower Accountants for their pro bono accounting and auditing services since Baabayn began.
  • Tower Accountants for their pro bono accounting and auditing services since Baabayn began.Jocelyn Barber, who has taken over our accounting and is a pillar of knowledge and strength.
  • Jocelyn Barber, who has taken over our accounting and is a pillar of knowledge and strength.Sister Lee Tan, who has done very solid work in building our IT capacity.
  • Sister Lee Tan, who has done very solid work in building our IT capacity.
  • Hunters Hill Catholic Parish Social Justice Group for participation at our Family Weekend and financial support for families in need.
  • Adrian Chek and Heydon Wardell-Burrus of the law firm Allens for their pro bono assistance with our on-going application for DGR (deductible-gift recipient) status.
  • Samantha Saad of the law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth for preparing our Child Protection Policy on a pro bono basis.
  • The Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia—especially Jane Sulis and Sister Rose Mary Kinne for supplying furniture for our Centre, and for many loads of household goods, vouchers, books and clothes.
  • Sandra Kelty, Clinical Lead, Aboriginal Mental Health at Sydney West Area Health Service and Cheryl Jackson of the FACS’s Aboriginal Family Planning Circle program, for their wise advice and unfailing support to members of our community.
  • Glenda McDonald, David Coombs and Dominic Ofner for their service on our grant-writing team.
  • Auburn Baptist Care, for providing transport for community members to attend our Family Group Gatherings, and the Baptist Care bus driver, who always has a cheery word to say.
  • Elizabeth Burke for her commitment to the aims and activities of Baabayn—chairing our meetings and contributing her time, skills and resources in order to enrich our events.
  • Aunty Nita Corderoy and Cassandra Ebsworth for running the Falls Prevention exercise program.
  • Jesuit Holy Family Parish, Mount Druitt.
  • Ted Noffs Foundation
  • Aboriginal Legal Service
  • Women’s Legal Service
  • Flourish Australia (formerly Richmond PRA)
  • Kenthurst Catholic Parish
  • Marist Brothers and Loreto Sisters

Your donations, contribution and volunteerism can truly change our community members’ lives.

Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation

252 Luxford Road, Emerton NSW 2770

Get in touch

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This website and videos are provide with the support of StoryMotive & Indigenise

We acknowledge that Baabayn Healing Centre is located on the lands of the Darug Peoples and pay our respects to Darug Elders past, present, and emerging.

We pay our respects to our Elders and community leaders for their past and ongoing commitment to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Western Sydney.