Contact Baabayn

Our email address is . This is the best way to contact us for general inquiries.

Our general office phone number is (02) 8608 6054.

Here are the numbers to ring between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. if you’re looking for support:

For support with everyday challenges like housing, dealing with government departments etc., ring 0490 807 676 (Mondays to Thursdays);

Mums wanting to get in touch, or to enquire about our Young Mums and Bubs program, ring 0490 807 673 (Tuesdays to Fridays until 4.00);

Aboriginal teenage girls or their Mums wanting to know about Speak Up Sis, our deadly youth program, ring 0490 807 676 (Mondays to Thursdays)

Just as a reminder, our email address is This is the best way to contact us for general inquiries.

Alternatively, for general inquiries you could ring 0490 807 672 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) or 0404 457 043 Monday to Friday (10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.)

Contact Baabayn

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Your donations, contribution and volunteerism can truly change our community members’ lives.

Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation

252 Luxford Road, Emerton NSW 2770

Get in touch

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This website and videos are provide with the support of StoryMotive & Indigenise

We acknowledge that Baabayn Healing Centre is located on the lands of the Darug Peoples and pay our respects to Darug Elders past, present, and emerging.

We pay our respects to our Elders and community leaders for their past and ongoing commitment to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Western Sydney.